eh...I'll tell you later
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Conor bought me and Amanda Animal Farm because he says it`s "amazing" and "very good." I`m not gonna even THINK about reading it until i`ve finished InkDeath which is like 670 pages, then i gotta finish Of Mice and Men it`s due on Monday....
It was hilarious today in SPHE ( it`s like health and D.A.R.E. combined reeeeeeally boring). I was leaning forward on the front two legs of my chair, when Conor came up behind me and started squeezing my sides. So naturally i leaned back into my chair, and it, being plastic, went a little farther then I intended and the back of my chair smack him in the balls. yeah kind of an uncomfortable situation there. He was curled up in a ball on the floor, moaning about how he was tired of "hearing how childbirth hurt when this hurts." That sent me into a fit of giggles that i tried to hold back but didn`t quite. He left very mad. I`ll have to apologize AGAIN at some point...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I gotta alot of friggin English homework due in 9 days but i still got a ton to do i gotta read and write the notes out on the last 2 chapters of the book and i gotta write all my notes into sentences then i gotta edit it and write it into good. and that's on top of business and geography homework!!
I really really want to talk to you guys but your never an AIM when I am!! I'll be on tonight from 8 to 10, so if guys read this you need to be on at ermmm... 2 ish I think PM not AM
Last night i wen to Katie's birthday party and on the whole it was pretty good the begin was really boring though. The cake was like chocolate and graham crackers!!! It was amazing!!!! soooo chocolaty... There was a rumour flying around About 9 o'clock that to people disappeared to the back pitch to have sex. that was the topic of conversation for the better part of the night. When they came back in the guy was really pissed and the girl left the party immediately after she came back... suspicious....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
It was so frustrating in science today i couldn' spell potential. I tried to spell it 12 timed!! 12! the closest i got was "potensial", i spelled it "potentional" too. I started crying cuz it was so frustrating not being able to spell a simple word. I asked the teacher for the proper spelling,so she came over looked at my attempts and weny "oh your not a very good speller, are you?" THE ENTIRE CLASS HEARD!!!! She didn't even give me the right spelling. She walks away and i hear "jessica.........jessica" from Conor, i wasn't gonna tell him cuz he'd laugh when i told him. He's really mean sometimes,even if he doesn't mean it.
On the good side Katie's having a party on the 10th! It says "Dress to Impress" I know it means kinda formal, but how formal? Adam's says it means I have to wear a skirt or a dress...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
my tab button doesn't work it's so annoying. Anyway a few weeks ago the school started offering Tae Kwon Do lessons during afternoon prep. It was so amazingly fun! I never thought i could get so much joy outta kicking the air and learning drills. Right now i can do 5 kicks. What really sucks though is their not gonna start doing belts til AFTER Christmas. I was so outraged when i found out. My friend Jessica joined this week and she is dangerous. I don't really mean that in a good way. She has lots of power and some control but for some reason she doesn't get in the stance before kicking, and it limits ho good she can get. if she just got into stance before kicking she could kick some ass! we're the only two girls in the class. Also that week we were practicing our front kicks, and somehow,Conor forgets to land on his feet and crashes to the ground. It looked and sounded was an ouch moment.
Yesterday in English was the best. We're doing personal writing, Mrs.Sanders gives us permission to insult her, so naturally everybody does. Adam, who can practically do no wrong in her eyes calls her a "demon cloaked in black". Mrs.Sanders stands there looking at I'm in disbelief,while I'm sitting there unsuccessfully trying to not burst out laughing. My wasn't quite as good but here it is:
The panther was on the prowl,her beady black eyes swept across the foals before her. The muscles in her jaw jumped as she prepared to roar
That's as far as i got but i thought it was pretty good. Then we had to get the message of tired across with out saying the word. i did pretty good,she even praised it a bit.
After a long day,he dragged himself up the stairs,each step a Herculean effort. He staggered into his room and collapsed on the bed.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
- you've slept for 12 hours straight
- it 3:10 and your still not dressed
- your brain hurts
All these thing are true cuz it is SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you guys still have a week of school left. I feel bad for you.
The party was fun. They had this huge slide like the kind you see at fairs, a bull ride which was so fun, and these big fat sumo suits! The sumo suits were so cool. I wrestled Sarah and Darragh and won both times! You do NOT want to wrestle me in a sumo suit. I really really sucked at the bull thing. it was so hard cuz they would stop it, make ya think it`s going one way then whip it around the other way! Tom, Rob, Jack, Harry, and the gut in the superman shirt were amazing at it.
Speaking of the Darren (A.K.A the guy in the superman shirt) kept pushing me down the slide with the help of his friend. I'd get ready to jump and they'd push me down. But i got them back, well sorta. I tried to push superman's friend down after Sarah T and superman but he took me down with him. It was a really bad night for me and revenge, i couldn't even push Jack down the slide! Superman asked me if darragh was my boyfriend, and when i said no, i don`t like him like that he started asking if i had a boyfriend. I said no and jumped down the slide and didn't go back no until he got off. To make it worse, towards the end of the party superman started calling me "Baby" and started telling Sarah T and Nimah (knee-ve) that we were an "Item" and i was so pissed cuz i didn't even know his name at that point and he kept pushing me down the slide. so i was like yeah whatever and let it go. Sarah, Jessica, and I were leaving, speaking of leaving like half the people disappeared in the middle of the party and i was like wtf were did everybody go,anyway he was sitting next to the window we were passing by and he waved , so being polite i waved back. He must have took it as some sort of encouragement cuz he blew a kiss to me. i kinda ran away. BUT, Jessica being Jessica, left her coat on a chair in the backyard so we went to get it and when we left again, he did the same thing!!! It kinda freaked me out little bit.
Ugh, tomorrow i have to wake up really early cuz we're going to the eye of Ireland with a group of students from our school that are foreigners to Ireland. But i'll get to see jessica and sarah and met a new kid from New York that's going to be going to my school next fall as either a 2nd or 3rd year, so it won't be all bad.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Exams were all last week and i still have 2 left to do tomarrow.i know i pretty much failed my french exam cuz we had to right a letter in FRENCH! i could'nt remmenber how to say thank for the letter so i put meci pour le letta. adn it was carte.
The history exam was awfull too. i hadn't study for my history exam at all before the day of the exam ( we had 3 hours to study before hand) and i was freaking out about an hour and a half before the exm and guess what? The crap i had been studying for the past two hours WASN'T EVEN ON THE TEST!!! By the end of the exam i could curl my hand without saying ow, no one could. Most people worte 9-10 pages on the exam but somehow,Conor manged to write 12 pages. His handwriting is like really really small and he worte 12 pages!!
I aced the science exam, no doubt.
Yesterday, jessica and i went shopping cuz there's a party on thursday,which so happens to be our LAST day of school. So she found this really cool top, a brown halter top with little circles sewn on the front( it looks better than it sounds) and when we got to her house her mother said it was "to old" for her and her brother starts dancing around with is sayings it's a striper shirt. I found a cute top to from the united colors of benetton, ever heard of it?
So that's pretty much all that's been happen over here.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
To Lazy...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
On Monday we went to the totally fabulous DISNEY!!! Yeah!! that was really fun and i got post cards to mail everybody but i forgot to and they are sitting next to me at this very second( i know VERY intelligent) So expect french postcards with irish stamps (when i get around to it)
Tuesday- hold on can`t remember- gimme a sec- processing-ummm-shopping! That was it we went shopping. it was all that exciting but they had the coolest little train that drove you around the like mile long mall. It was so COOL!
Wednesday i ha to get up really really early cuz we had to go to the Louvre. that was... interesting to say the least. The Asian art was my favorite exhibit. The mona lisa is tiny. it`s a shrimp compared to the one behind it that took up the ENTIRE wall! It was sooooo werid too because on of the wings was named Sully. ( add a c and it becomes a friends last name Scully. see the connection? Good)
Thursday was tour around Paris. Some one tried to pickpocket me but i slapped him and he ran. it was my favorite part of the day. We didn`t get to climb to the top of the Eiffel tower cuz my dad was hungry. it ruined the entire day, but we had a good lunch after. We went to the note dame and the arch of triumph
Friday we went to that one french palace that starts with a v- Versailles i think it was, that was boring. Then we went to this awesome dinner show and got cowboy hats!
And today we went home.
Ta-da! vacation over.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
We made sushi tonight for dinner, and not only did it take like 4 hours to prepare and make, but it was a COMPLETE AN UTTER DISASTER!!!! we couldn`t get the rice to roll properly cuz we didn`t have the nori ( the seaweed paper that goes around the outside of sushi, it`s delicious by the way) so we gave up and made rice balls with the rice leftover
and i finished the Dungeon today it was really good and haunting you should read it.
And i didn`t post yesterday I know I know so here a summery cuz i`m getting tired of typing
- went to the dentists - my teeth got all squeak clean
- Conor and Jack came over. Even though they weren`t supposed to be in the house they were. It was really fun event hough Conor beat Amanda at pokemon. He killed all 6 of hers and she only manged to take out 1. When mom came homw THAT WAS SOOOO FUNNY cuz Jack was in the house and Conor was in the back yard, and I told jack to climb out the window but he didn`t believe me and waltzed right up to the door only to come face to face with my mom.
- we almost got away with it, ya know smooth talking our way out of trouble, when Amanda goes and destroys all that we had convinced mom of. i was ready to kill her.
- and they scard the shit out of my one cat. poor oreo...
Monday, March 17, 2008
St.Paddy`s day
so yeah yeah i know i PROMISED to post yesterday but i was really lethargic so back-posting! (what fun)
We`ll start with...
I went to the mall and saw jumper with Jess and Conor. Before the movie started we got a bag of balloons and i was the only one able to blow theirs up. I was so happy, that is until Conor threw the balloon down on some girl makeing a smoothie when we were leaving. I was so mad! it took me FOREVER to blow it up.
Then in the cold and rain i went to this show of inflatable pupets and it was crap! thay were chasing a PEARL around the dock.
The big fat nothing. Zilch, Zero, Nada
Went to the parade. it was so cool. theses people came around in bumble-bee costumes and started flipping out at you if you touched their wings. and the tayto truck came around with the coolest little song. and there were bands FROM THE STATES!!!!
but i had to wake up at 7:30. i was not happy i was ready to kill the first person who made eye contact with me.
And tomorrow i got to wake up early again cuz i`m baby-siting at 9:15
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Embargo-an offical ban on trade with a country
ummm what else...I found out that next year the choir might be going to grecce in november(2008),but the sucky thing is you have to try out to get into the choir
OMG just before prep today ( prep is like a super long study hall IT NEVER ENDS) i was walking up the hill with Jack and he made some sorta comment that ticked me off so i started chaseing him and HE FELL!! It was so funny cuz he was just laying there with this shocked expresion on his face like WTF JUST HAPPENED?!?!?! I almost got a picture of it too but once i got out my phone he stood up really fast.
And my english teacher`s gone YEAH!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Post like 6 or something like that
My parents were yelling at me this morning cuz I woke up at 10:30, but I don`t get it why won`t they let me sleep. It`s the weekend if what I want to do is sleep they should let me it`s MY time i`m wasting ( sorry for the mini-rant)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Student Day
Conor - he dressed up as a surfer
Adam - dressed up as a leprechaun, in all green. All he need was a pot of gold and people CoughamericansCough would have started to chase after him with a net. And I stole his hat!!
Sarah- a fairy
Jessica ( not me)- cat woman
Alix and Ashley - batman and robin
I dressed up as a zombie and when ever people saw me for the first time they would pretty much jump back and tell me I looked scary. And my team won in rugby 5-2 HELL YEAH!!
At the end of the day Christan and Harry start telling me i`m pregnant.
Conor just stoped telling me that so i was pissed and smacked Harry in the face with a couple of books...(I AM sorry about that by the way)
J ( me if you didn`t get): Does it looked like i`m pregnant to you
C ( him if ya didn`t get it but you should have caught on by now): Well it doesn`t show for the first 3 months
J: ok fine. SO who is the father
C: Adam
J: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
C: Conor
J: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
C: Scully
( no offence Conor if your reading this your not THAT bad)
So yeah then i went home AND THE STUPID MAKE-UP WOULDN`T COME OFF!!!!!
I see if I can get some picture off the costumes to show you guys from Sarah.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
I hate giving these things names so it`s Fred

Me: "HELP"