eh...I'll tell you later

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

OMG I found my password!!! it`s been missing for like a month now but i found it!!!! Today was so great cuz a water pipe broke at school so we got to go home at lunch ( NO MATH TEST!! WOOOOOOO) AND we don`t have school tommarow. let me repeat that NO SCHOOL!!!!! Me and Jessica are going go to the movies or something me haven`t figured it out yet. Well any my internet`s working again!!! it shut down for some unknown reason friday night and i coulnd`t get on... and that`s pretty much it....

Sunday, April 6, 2008

To Lazy...

Yeah so i didin`t get around to typing this yesterday cuz i was to lazy. But the movie was fun and i got another cut to add to my collection. it`s about an inch long and located on my middle finger(not that you really care) and i`m well to lazy to type anymore

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Yay i finaly got that haircut i was meaning to get around to. I have nothing to post about at the moment but i going to the movies later with some friends, so you`ll be hearing about that